Today is the 31st , the best day of the month .
I have two reasons why it is the best day of January.
First off because it is my awesome sister-in-law's birthday (Jessica)... Happy Birthday Jessica!!!...
Second because it is the last day of this dreadful month.
With this month you have brought us terribly cold temperatures, lots of snow and ice, a long with some rain. There has been very little sun shine, and warmth, besides being at home with my handsome husband.
Work is slow, I mean real slow because of all the money that was spent over Christmas, school has started (for me at least), and it is just a busy month with now exciting Holiday's.
January, I have been good to you, but you have only been good to me once or twice. I am going to have to deal with you every now and again for 31 days at a time. I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop hurting me (like causing the cold ground to give me a stress fracture in my foot), and by bringing the cold you cause pain in my joints. Though I am not very old at this point, I will only be getting older from here on out. So I would like it if you didn't get so cold all the time, and would bring more springish days like your following month February does.
January I would like to be friends, can we be friends one day? Please?
You can be a good month, it's a time for new beginnings, for goals, resolutions and creating a new year.
New Year's can bring new you's. So together January, lets have a good day, and enjoy this last day of this month of 2011. And together we can bring in a Happy and Exciting February.
February has a lot to offer us this year. Hopefully we will find out about schools, possibly where we will spend the next 5 years of our lives.
Enjoy this Last day of January, and we can look forward to warmer, brighter days here soon.