Today is one of those days where I can not concentrate at all, I don't want to study for finals, or work on papers. I just want to go home and do nothing. But, I can't, so instead I just play on the computer more and procrastinate.
In my time of procrastination, I went back and looked at all my old pictures (kinda to compare my hair styles), and to just see what I do have on Facebook. I came to a few conclusions today and they are that a. when I had longer hair it was always up in a bun or ponytail, and b. when I had straight hair, for the majority it was straight. So in all, I have concluded that I don't like my hair, or at least for pictures. I have noticed though that my hair tends to be really frizzy in pictures. I have got to do something about this! There has to be a change.
Here is what I am want to try to do, I want to try switching the products I do use in my hair to keep it from being nasty frizzy, I will TRY my hardest not to put my hair up (emphasis on try), and I will not straighten my hair much (Nathan is going to be so so excited about that one). My goal is to grow out my hair real long. It's driving me nuts so it ends up by 2pm everyday, if not by the time I get home from work it is. So, I am going to try getting it real long, so that it's not in this in between awful stage. Each month I will record the length (by taking a picture) and we can see if in fact my hair starts getting better. I will post a picture this weekend (because it's in a ponytail already :).
With this new challenge, I will have a very happy husband :) ha ha. I am nervous and excited.