Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Winter Wonderland

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me.. four rolling oranges
three weeks off school
two papers due 
and one final done. 

Christmas is quickly approaching and there isn't much time left to get in your shopping and all that is on the to do lists. 

Through all your business don't forget to take time and reflect on the Savior and his birth, what sacrifices he has made for us and just what a wonderful brother he is to all of us. 

Christmas isn't the only time to reflect and think of him, but it certainly is a perfect time of year.

Give yourself the gift of service this year, find someone that you may not normally give to, or simply needs a little extra love and give to them this holiday season. 

The winner of yesterday's commenting posts, and prizes is:

Melissa Glad

Congrats Melissa!! Everyone else don't forget to comment on tomorrows post for more awesome Christmas prizes and giveaways. 

Until then, I hope you have a wonderful day!


  1. Last week our Relief Society gave out star ornaments to each sister to remind us to share the light of our Savior through serving this season. Still thinking on what I can do that will be meaningful. Thank you for your thoughts. Good luck on your finals/papers!!!! :)
