Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Being Smart

Sooo.... Last night I did something really stupid and I paid for it dearly. Over the weekend I had to watch a few documentaries (King Corn, and Food Matters), and write up about them. I thought they were very interesting, and informative movies. What I didn't take into consideration was researching some of the things they had said and double checking the outcomes. 

In Food Matters, there are several doctors, raw food enthusiasts and such discussing food and why it matters. Explaining for over an hour that you are what you eat, but they went into a lot of detail.One of the doctors is a vitamin geek, he thinks that vitamins can cure everything. Which I am sure they can help, but getting them from your diet is where you should be getting them not from bottles and bottles of supplements. Last semester I took a Nutrition class about this kind of stuff, you think I would have been more responsible and done the research after finding what he talked about interesting. 

He said that he had a patient with severe depression, he put her on Niacin (Vit B12) and it helped her a lot, she had been in therapy for years and on all sorts of medications and nothing helped, but once she tried his way it helped. It got me thinking. I have been really down these last couple of weeks, all sorts of stress building up. I swear I have a breakdown everyday with Nathan it's always the same thing. I just keep getting super emotional. Yesterday at work it was a real downer day, everyone talking about layoffs, then it was raining all day I wasn't prepared for it. Then before you know it, it's snowing horribly and there are 2 feet of snow on the ground. To sum it up, I had had it. I am done with this crappy weather so, I thought I'll go get some Niacin and start taking it. 

The dose they put the lady on was a lot, so I took about half of what they had her on. About 20 minutes later my skin is on fire, I'm swelling up like a red umpalumpa. It was kinda funny because for once I didn't look like a scary white ghost, I actually had color. After it not going away we read on the bottle that skin flushing may occur if you are sensitive to it. Well, what do you know I am just a little too sensitive to everything at this point. 

I go lay down on the couch hoping it will go away, then I realize I had to go to the bathroom. Just to skimp on lots of horrible details. I will just say that I was in a ton of pain, my stomach hurt, I wanted to throw up but I couldn't. All I could do was lay on the bathroom floor asking Nathan to take my pain away. We were worried about what was happening to me, thankfully Nathan called my mom, she helped us figure out what happened and what we can do. I had overdosed on Niacin. 

It was the most painful, horrible night ever. To say the least it felt as though I was giving birth. That how painful it felt like last night. It was awful. I don't know how women do it with out drugs. 

Luckily after a couple of hours the pain subsided and I just felt really weak, and still sick to my stomach. The Niacin had left my system, but really left an imprint on me last night. 

My message to you, is to be smart. If you are going to try something new RESEARCH IT. Find out the facts, the side effects, what it does to your body before trying it. I usually do, but I don't know why I didn't with this. I CAN tell you though, it that I will NEVER to anything like that with out RESEARCHING it FIRST

I have learned my lesson, And I hope you have learned from ME. DO NOT do anything like that ever. Get your vitamins and such from your diet not from supplements. It's easier and better to improve your diet than to remember to take pills all the time. Be smart and research it out. 

Today is going to be a better day. I just hope to get rid of my stomach ache. 

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! That is no good. I am sorry that things went so poorly. I am glad you are feeling better today though. It is so frustrating when stuff like that happens....like with that lotion that I used which just about burnt all the skin off my legs and body. NO GOOD.
