I need your help.
I am not a very well rounded person when it comes to hobbies.
I NEED to find something new to interest me and try.
This is why you are so AWESOME, because you can HELP me.
What are your hobbies? What new things could I try to be better well rounded?
Any Ideas?
Here is a list of things I am thinking about giving a try:
Kick Boxing
Palates (spelling?)
Belly Dancing
I'd like to possibly learn a new skill (craft) but also not sure what.
Painting, cant do, my sister is a pro so no.
Photography, I'd love to if I had a nice camera, so no.
Cooking, uh. I burn things and I don't want to spend that much money.
Sewing requires me to have a sewing machine, and space.
Eh. I feel like I am at a loss. Well one day I will find something, maybe when I am not overwhelmed by school and work full time.
All you crafty people (especially those in my ward), you are amazing I don't know how you do it, but you are all so awesome. I wish I had a little bit of your skill.
Your Admirer :)
Take up quilling. I'm going to teach a class soon and you can come! :)