Thursday, September 23, 2010

100 Push Up Challenge...

Yup, you read that correctly. 100 Push Ups!! 

A few weeks ago in church the men were challenged to do this challenge called the 100 Push Up Challenge. They whole thing is that by the 6th week on the last day you should be able to do all 100. 

Nathan wanted to get me in on it, of coarse it wasn't that hard, but I agreed to do it. He explained that you do 4 sets then the 5th set is as many as you can do, and on the sheet of paper the 5th set had numbers like 3 min or 8 min, so we were thinking that was as many as you could do in 3 minutes and so on. 

So, that's what we have been doing, and we added some sit-ups and such in with it and it's working out great. We do it 3 times a week, but this week has been harder to do together because of tests and such, but we will be better at getting it done together. Yesterday morning Nathan told me he had looked up on the website the whole challenge to read more about it. Come to find out we've been doing the last set wrong!! It's not minutes its minimum. So it's telling us to do as many as we can but you have to do at least 3 or 8 or whatever the number is on there. 

Last week when we were doing the challenge we were going for I think it was 7 minutes, and I did over 100 push ups (girl push ups mind you), can I tell you how much that hurt!! Oh man, my arms did burn! Now finding out that I didn't have to do that ugh, I would not have had to go through all that pain ha ha. Oh, well. It's a great challenge, and both Nathan are seeing great results from this challenge. I am now wishing I had taken before pictures and do after pictures. 

I am just so amazed at how strong and wonderful our bodies are, and how quick they can recover, and strengthen itself. I am so thankful for my health and the strength and endurance I have, I know I take it for granted way too much, I am going to try hard to not, and I challenge you all to take better care of your body and enjoy what it gives you.


1 comment:

  1. Agreed completely. I am in the best shape I have been in in 8 years and what a difference it makes. Good post Linn:)
