Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Last week I had dinner with my Mom, who was in town from North Carolina, and my grandparents. After dinner my grandma told us we needed to try a new kind of candy she had just bought at Costco. After trying the yummy treat I had to take some home for Nathan... Ha ha ha. Or so they thought. 

When I got home (bringing some left overs for Nathan's dinner) he finished the food I brought him. Except the candy, which was hiding in my purse :).. A while later Nathan said "I am surprised your grandma didn't send you home with any chocolate for me." and then there was silence. I just sat there trying not to laugh, he ran to my purse and found the delicious treat. Luckily for me he only had a few and left the rest for me. 

Today at work two ladies were headed to Costco, so I asked them to look for this delicious treat of mine... A while later I got a call double checking what it was I wanted, and I was in luck!!! My new favorite as well as Nathan's favorite treat Dark Chocolate Acai blueberries. Sounds yummy right? Well they are! And they are good for you. Dark Chocolate, Acai and Blueberries perfect mix! 

Don't they just look delicious? They sure are. I almost hid them in my desk at work, but I decided I should probably share with Nathan, since he likes them too. :)

1 comment:

  1. mike and i look for these every time we are at costco! they are sooooo yummy!
