Friday, May 3, 2013

Curly Hair 101

As school is coming to an end for so many people, it is only beginning again for me. Before I get back into the school mode I would like to teach a little of what I know about Curly Hair 101. Most days I am told be some random person that they wish they had curly hair, a lot of the time I just smile and nod. It's just easier then to tell them the truth of what it's like to have curly hair. SO, with that into today I will let the faint of heart learn what they need to know in order to care for curly hair :)

  1.  Shampoo and Conditioner that does the least amount of damage to your hair is $40 per bottle
  2. Shampoo your hair every other day, condition everyday (which means you need to buy two bottles of conditioner per one bottle of shampoo)
  3. Brushes make curly hair frizzy
  4. Humidity sucks when you have curly hair.
  5. If you look at curly hair wrong it frizzes
  6. If you put gel in it, it makes it crunchy. Crunchy= Gross
  7. Moroccan Oil is amazing but expensive
  8. Growing out curly hair is impossible (When it grows it gows out not down like a normal person and it take about 3 years for you to notice it's gown a tiny bit)
  9. Cutting curly hair sucks
  10. Dying curly hair damages it
  11. Putting it in a ponytail damages it
  12. Swimming damages it
  13. Any kind of heat on curly hair damages it
  14. Shampoo that lathers damages it
  15. Brushes damage it
  16. Straightening curly hair takes forever, you love it but no one else does (the feel of stroking your fingers through smooth hair is amazing)
  17. Curly hair is amazing for getting stuff stuck (pencils, earrings, hair pins)
  18. Only use a wide tooth comb while in the shower with conditioner to lessen the damage done to hair
  19. Sleeping damages curly hair (unless you buy a fancy silk pillow case)
  20. Curly hair can never be controlled
  21. Curly hair will frizz no matter what you do
  22. With curly hair you will NEVER have a trendy cute hair style
  23. Use lots and lots of conditioner no matter how many times your husband makes fun of you, conditioner helps get all the knots out
  24. When growing out thick curly hair it gets heavy and hurts to put in a pony tail
  25. Thinning out curly hair is great, but makes it frizzy
  26. With curly hair you will always look like you just woke up
  27. Curly hair fro's great when you want to be crazy
  28. Using a towel to dry it out after showering does just that, dries it out and damages it. For best results use an old t-shirt
  29. Curly hair takes about 4-6 hours to fully dry, in the winter it never dries
  30. Curly hair gets super damaged and can break off easily
  31. Growing out curly hair sucks, but keeping it short you look like a Q-tip
  32. When living with curly hair, you learn to understand that you will always hate it and that it will always be damaged.
  33. The purpose of growing out curly hair is to just keep it in a bun all day everyday.
  34. Curly hair will always trouble you, no matter what you do it will break off, ends will split and it will poof. It can't be tamed, no matter what hair products and stylists say, just cant.
My curly hair, make me, ME! Although most everyday I hate it, I can't imagine having straight hair. Welcome to the life of curly hair :)

Curly hair drives me nuts!!!!